Thanking Our Partners
We could not possibly accomplish what we have, without our partners. We dedicate this page to those who work so hard to assist us, some that have been with us every step of the way, others that have recently got involved working with us. We appreciate your care, hard work and dedication and we may not have time to express our gratitude during our busy encounters, during the business hours, our success wouldn’t exist without you. THANK YOU!

Roger and Chris of Alladin Air Mfg. Calgary, for quality work and continuous assistance with the best steam boilers on the market.

Wolseley Studio showroom for showing such high level of dedication to assist our clients, especially Kelly Knowlton, Meghan Cooper and everyone else at the showroom.

Aaron O’Hanlon of Footbridge Media in Pensacola Florida, for our web design, marketing and basically everything web we do today. If we dedicated this whole page to Aaron, it wouldn’t be enough space to say all he has done for this company. Thanks so much!

Cory Zygmunt, owner of Taurus Glass in Calgary for taking his time and finding us solutions. For his advise and expertise he gives so freely. Also for the quality supply of all of our glass work.

CR. Laurence Canada, Adam Falk at the Calgary store for all his hard work, the highest standard of quality they deliver in materials, service and support.

Ames Tile and Stone Calgary. Giving expert advise to our clients, saving our behinds so many times with materials on the fly… (LOL!) For overall quality and service and seemingly endless supply of materials.

Hilti Canada Corp. and John Chiodo of the Calgary office for so quickly attending to all our needs no matter how nitty-gritty. Thanks for the quality service and the outstanding support.

While are and independent, privately owned enterprise and not affiliated with TCNA, we are sending a special thanks to the Tile Counsel of North America for providing set standards, education and support for all of us that don't see this as a job but a passion.